Recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury refers to brain damage caused by external force. This is not the same as a stroke, a tumor, or prolonged lack of oxygen. The top three traumatic brain injury causes include fall, car accidents, and firearms. Traumatic brain injuries can be closed head injuries (skull intact) or open head injuries (penetration of the skull), and will include at least one of the following:

  • Loss of consciousness

  • Amnesia

  • Direct evidence of damage:

    • Abnormal brain scan

    • Skull fracture

    • Seizure

Traumatic brain injury symptoms and recovery depend on the severity of the injury, the functions affected, the rate of recovery, and other factors.

Traumatic brain injury treatment

Just as the causes of traumatic brain injury vary widely, so does the treatment.  But in general, traumatic brain injury treatment follows as such:

  • Stabilization – This stage of treatment applies to moderate to severe cases and usually takes place in a hospital. The focus of this stage is stabilization and survival of the patient.  It may include surgery to remove clotted blood, the repair of skull fractures, and relief of pressure in the skull.

  • Acute treatment – The second phase of treatment for more severe cases of traumatic brain injury involves the minimization of both agitation and secondary injuries. Sometimes acute treatment includes sedation, medically induced coma, or other medications to reduce muscle spasticity. Mechanical ventilation may also be required.

  • Rehabilitative treatment – Traumatic brain injury usually involves impaired brain functioning, and the rehabilitative treatment phase helps patients to recover as much function as possible and to adapt to lost functions.

Skilled nursing for recovery from traumatic brain injury

In many cases, rehabilitative therapies for traumatic brain injuries begin as soon as possible during the acute care phase. And most often, they’ll continue after the patient has been discharged to a lower level of care.  Post-acute rehab facilities like Bella Vista help to provide a continuum of care that aids in patient recovery from traumatic brain injury. At Bella Vista, our rehabilitative care programs include:

  • Skilled nursing care to administer medication, maintain health, provide nutrition, and assist with mobility and pain management.

  • Physical therapy to restore balance, posture, strength, and coordination.

  • Occupational therapy to determine the best ways to perform the tasks of daily living, help patients adapt to assistive devices, and prepare the home environment.

  • Speech therapy to reduce confusion, restore communication, and assist with problem-solving.

Each patient’s rehabilitative treatment plan is determined by the particulars of their brain injury and their individual recovery process.

Recovery, recuperation, and rehabilitation at Bella Vista

At Bella Vista Health Center, our patients are our number one priority.  Our interdisciplinary team of medical professionals works collaboratively to provide a comprehensive and customized treatment plan designed to meet the individual needs of each patient.

If you or someone you love is looking for a skilled nursing facility for rehabilitative treatment following a traumatic brain injury, you can expect top-notch care while you recover, recuperate, and regain your independence at Bella Vista.


For more information, give us a call at (619) 644-1000. We look forward to serving you.