FAQs About Short-Term Rehab Centers

faq's about short term rehab

If you or a loved one has recently suffered from an accident, illness or injury that resulted in hospitalization, you may have heard your medical care team use the phrase “short-term rehab” in regard to the next steps in your recovery process.  But what exactly does that mean? Simply put, short-term rehab centers provide intensive rehabilitative services in a safe, nurturing environment for patients who need additional care between their hospital stay and their return home.  Of course, there’s more to it than that, so we put together a list of our most frequently asked questions about short-term rehab centers.  Take a look below. 

What is short-term rehabilitation? 

Short-term rehabilitation provides continued care and extended recovery time for individuals recuperating from an accident, injury, or illness. Medical professionals and specialized therapists support patients through the healing process and provide them with the services and therapies they need to reach maximum functional capacity.  The goal of short-term rehabilitation is for each patient to achieve optimal health so they can return to their homes and communities as quickly as possible. 

What types of therapies are available at short-term care facilities? 

A top-notch short-term care facility offers a range of rehabilitative services and therapies for a wide variety of conditions and diagnoses. These therapies focus on restoring independence in the tasks of daily living; improving mobility, balance, and range of motion; recovering communication and oral motor skills; treating injuries; managing pain and symptoms; and restoring cognitive function. The therapies and services offered at short-term care facilities may include any combination of the following: 

  • 24-hour skilled nursing care
  • Wound care
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Nutrition therapy
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation
  • Post-stroke recovery and rehabilitation
  • Parkinson’s care
  • And more

Who determines the plan of care at a short-term rehab facility? 

At a short-term rehab facility, a team of qualified medical specialists and professionals conducts thorough evaluations to determine each patient’s specific needs. This team then collaborates to create a personalized care plan designed to restore optimal levels of independence and get patients back to their lives in the shortest time possible. 

What is the average length of stay at a short-term care facility? 

Every patient has different needs, and because short-term care facilities help rehabilitate patients with a wide range of diagnoses and conditions, the length of stay also varies widely. Patients recovering from an uncomplicated surgery, for example, may stay from a few days to a month, while a patient with a chronic condition or a more complicated injury, such as an amputation, may stay for several months. On admission, the medical team discusses each patient’s anticipated progress and creates an expected time frame for recovery. At Bella Vista Health Center, we chart and assess patient progress daily, and adjust rehab schedules as needed. 

What factors are important when choosing a short-term care facility?

When choosing a short-term care facility for the elderly or anyone else requiring additional assistance during the recovery process, it’s important to visit the facility to get a feel for the atmosphere.  In addition to the abovementioned variety of services and therapies, you’ll also want to look for a high quality short-term rehab facility that offers:

  • Skilled and compassionate staff
  • A friendly, nurturing environment
  • Clean, comfortable patient rooms and living spaces
  • Nutritious meals that accommodate allergies, medical conditions, dietary preferences, and religious needs 
  • Social activities and events designed to entertain and engage patients

Bella Vista offers 5-star short-term rehabilitation services in San Diego

At Bella Vista Health Center in Lemon Grove, we believe that when your enter the doors of our 5-star skilled nursing facility, you’ll experience the relief of finding everything you’re looking for in a short-term rehab center. We strive to create a healing environment that supports the recovery process of each patient, and our rehabilitation programs are designed by skilled and compassionate medical professionals dedicated to helping patients achieve maximum optimal functioning in the shortest time possible.  Please schedule a tour and come see for yourself. We look forward to serving you.