Bella Vista Health Center

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Joint Replacement Surgery: 2 Ways to Shorten Recovery Times

Joint replacement surgeries are among the most successful and life-changing surgeries available. They eliminate chronic and excruciating pain, restore movement and activity, and reduce the risk of chronic health conditions. But as your doctor will tell you, recovery from joint replacement is no walk in the park. Joint replacement is a major surgery, and it takes time and effort to return to full activity levels. Depending on your age and health condition at the time of the surgery, the location of the affected joint, the surgical techniques used, and other factors, your recovery time could be anywhere between 12 weeks and 18 months.  You may not be in control of all these factors, but there are some things you can do before your surgery that can help shorten your recovery time.  

2 ways to shorten recovery times after joint replacement surgery

One thing about joint replacement surgery that works in your favor is that it’s usually scheduled in advance. In many cases, patients have some say over when the surgery takes place. This means you may have a little extra time to prepare in ways that will help shorten your recovery time after joint replacement surgery. 

Prepare your mind and body before surgery

The more you understand about the recovery process, the better you’ll be able to work through each stage as it comes. If you go into your surgery knowing what to expect on the other side, who will help you navigate, and how to manage when you feel overwhelmed, you’ll be able to spend your mental energy on recovery rather than on worry and stress. You can prepare your mind for recovery by:

  • Educating yourself about the stages of recovery 

  • Talking to others who have recovered from joint replacement surgery

  • Practicing stress-relieving activities such as yoga or meditation

  • Asking for help from friends and family in advance so you don’t have to worry about figuring out how to get around on your own

  • Preparing some restful and enjoyable activities for your downtime (puzzles, crosswords, sketching, language podcasts, whatever you enjoy!)

Similarly, if your body is in good health going into surgery, it will be strong and able to begin the recovery process right away.  You can prepare your body for recovery from joint replacement surgery by:

  • Exercising key muscles that will support your new joint (a physical therapist can help determine the best exercises for you)

  • Eating healthy, well-balanced meals

  • Getting sufficient rest each night

  • Quitting smoking

  • Cutting back on alcohol

  • Losing weight to take pressure off the new joint (if recommended by your doctor)

When your body is healthy and your muscles are in good shape before surgery, it can significantly shorten your recovery time. 

Prepare your rehabilitation plan before surgery

What you do after your surgery is even more important than what you do before. If you plan certain details of your aftercare ahead of time, you may be able to shorten your recovery by months! 

The strength of your rehabilitation program after joint replacement surgery is a key factor in the success of your recovery—and how long it takes. Whether you choose inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation following joint replacement, you’ll need to participate in many hours of physical therapy and occupational therapy each week. Consistency is key, so if you choose outpatient rehab, try to arrange for rides to and from the rehabilitation center several times a week.  Planning for this prior to your surgery will save you the anxiety of trying to arrange it when you’re in pain. It can also help you avoid the temptation of skipping important therapy appointments.

If you choose an inpatient rehabilitation program, you’ll receive several hours of therapy every day, which typically results in faster recovery. Because inpatient programs also provide nutritional meals, pain management, medication management, and other services, they eliminate many of the obstacles that can get in the way of maintaining consistency with a rehabilitation program.  In other words, inpatient rehab allows patients to focus solely on their recovery. If you start planning prior to your surgery, you can do some research and visit skilled nursing rehab facilities. Then you can secure yourself a bed in a facility with a strong rehabilitation program and a welcoming environment that feels comfortable, caring, and nurturing—like Bella Vista. 

Having joint replacement surgery? Bella Vista can help you recover quickly!

At Bella Vista Health Center, we offer short- and long-term physical therapy programs as well as essential services, social opportunities, and round-the-clock care. If you or someone you love is in need of rehabilitation after joint replacement surgery, give us a call at (619) 644-1000 to schedule a tour today.